




Our Family Unschools.

And that term is a broad stroke…

What it reflects for me in its unfolding through the lens of my Black queer life , is a celebration, a collaboration, an artful way of living in its beautifully imperfect, perfect emergence. My family,  we are each very different people, with different ideas and ever burgeoning journeys, growing our relationships with ourSelves and each other. Our individuality as Wholeness our relations as the WE of us are works of art ever in the making. We walk an intentional, conSensual culturing to learn to listen deep and reverently to the compasses of what we are as Whole individuals in relationship with each other and the world, not hierarchically, but horizontally..

The arting of our way of life includes a deep reverence for our emoceanal compasses, it includes, the sculpting and carving as deschooling, and decolonizing, the cutting away, the purging or alchemizing of what does not feel indigenous or true to what we are or allowing of each other’s Wholeness in our relationships.  like any ecosystem, this harmony is a slow and deep growing.

Again and again, we discover, upon experimentation and reflection that we do not find any serving use for judgements, guilt or shame, we instead evolve to invite reflection, accountability and grace, both in the ways we want to be Seen and treated and in the ways we See and treat ourSelves. we notice that this feels more true, more nourishing in our bodies and with each other.

The arting of our way of life also includes the strokes and splashes of wet paint as creation or an uncovering of what we choose to live as Whole people in relationship with each other, in different stages of life. We absorb wisdom from each other and side by side in the adventure of this living,

and we protect what we create, in a world that moves as authoritarian over children, we rise protections that emerge over time contextually, and these are real challenges.

The choices that live in the co cultivating of a reverent and conSensual familial culture in relationship with and not over my children is continuously made, moment by moment in the commitment to my own practice to be reverent and conSensual with mySelves.  As a Black queer parent that chooses Self awareness and accountability with mySelves, in relationship to my children and the world as a being that experiences it as liberatory, nestled within the warmth of grace, this means that eye live a life of Self Reflection relentlessly and the intentional cultivating of mySelves artistically, often not easy, but all ways a grace.  eye learn again and again through the grace of practice, through the grace of my stumblings, through the grace of my emoceanal compass, through the grace of my children and all of our relations, through the grace of earth and skies,

as the arting continues as the living of it…

it is a deep resonance for me to engage explorations, communions  and conversations around arting a life with children that honors their autonomy, their agency, the vastness of their poetry as Whole Beings in relationship with and as this world.  with a particular eye within BIPOC and BIPOC/Queer families and communities, eye discover again and again how this living bends of me a thing eye choose.  a thing eye honor. a life eye celebrate.


sometimes the wonder eye feel floods me

as eye watch them move about

their days months and years

the seasons of them

eye gaze


moment by moment

my mind wants to place

each one in its pocket of forever

my everything Knows

what moves is timeless

every one of these moments


eye gaze at her

Knowing eye am looking into universe

eye am traveling into our past

as my eyes grace their skin

draw me into the grace of our Ancestors

their rage for freedom

that lives in her veins

their reverence that lives

as we travel the scars we can reach

hieroglyphics on Sacred Walls

we trace them together

with reverent finger

mother and child

carry forward the healing

Ancestral voices alive

in the wilderness of her will

in the Siren of her

they take breath…

their inhale envelops me

a portal to future

story untold

awaits its awakening

a melody eye can almost hear

a journey unfolding

and eye remind her

that the love of the mother

lives always all around them

within them

that they only need

to trust in the abundance

to always Seek it as a Knowing

and it will remain

that she will never be alone

even when it is time

that eye am gone….

sometimes my tears will swell

give rise to the wonder of

the wilderness of their thoughts

the deep waters of their feeling

and the drops of her infinity

that bubble to surface

to dance and play

and grieve and commune

and inspire

they are an emergent work of art

eye gaze at them

through a lens of Selves

as Ceremony

as lineage of liberation

an ache

an ecstasy

an everything

eye gaze

a little brown body

growing every day

little deaths

little births

protect and nourish their integration

their Sacred Becoming

she is Self Love in motion

beyond her very mind

are the movements as reverence

for a Holy Journey

sometimes eye erupt…

“can you fathom how much eye cherish you

the utter wonder of the Ocean of you?”

(seriously, eye do that…)

and they without even an upward glance

reply in a giggling and Knowing tone…

“of course mom, you tell me all the time…”

eye feel the currents of my emocean

as eye watch this Being

sit in the Knowing


in the Sacred Assumption

that they are cherished


and eye reach into mySelves

kiss the aches

for all the places eye know

eye cannot protect her

for all the moments

and mis~takes

when eye needed and will need

to claim and move my accountability

eye kiss…

and take my time

while holding the Knowing

that my child feels cherished

the humbling grace

being Sacred Keeper to Holy Child


indeed, sometimes the wonder eye feel floods me…


Shadow Work as Cultural Practice


The Poetry of Eyedentity